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♥ Wednesday, May 21, 2008

yoyo!! i'v gOt bac maii science results! i gOt 68/ qute gd fOr mii lerh as maii science hv been da wOrst subject.... ai ya...dosen't chng aniithing much lOr..i gOt 41/42 in class pOsitiOn.. nOOb rite? cant chOOse's fate....luckily i wOn anders...but the marks in different is onli 1 mark...sO i Onli wOn anders 1 mark....2dae OsO happened a shocking thing..

Mr Lim:"shall we make Our class a science blOg?" i was lyk shOcked...a science class blOg??nvr heard be4 in my entire life...i realli wanna nOe wadd is inside it...then....
Mr Lim:"shall we put wayne in charge Our science blOg?" walO eh..put him in charge??mati liaO la..alOt ppl cOmplain abOut wu shuO wei fOr mii...but i dun realli lyk him la..cOs he realli flirt alOt wOr....hais...stll hv lOads Of hmwrk during da hOlidae!!++ supplementary sia....i will b crazy One dae....

zai jian lOOrhs...cya ^^

Blogged @ 6:46 PM

♥ Tuesday, May 13, 2008

sian.... 2dae gOt bac my papers...[NOT ALL] i recieved my chinese,english and maths... my scOre sO lan lyk shyt......hais....
English= 6O.5/95[noob]
chinese=74/9O[tui bu]
maths=......./1OO[haven gOT bac section A] improve but still vry the nOOb...
science= /1OO[haven gOt bac yet]
Be prepared for the worst..alot ppl in our class dO damn well..the scOre damn high.. i dO vry bad....T.T ... i tink i nvr giv my best shOt bah....sO nOOb de scOre..... ****
2mOrO is my bdae..but i'm in nOt a realli gOOd mOOd.....nbm..will try my best in prelim exams.... sian.... realii sO bad.... wiish my sec A fOr maths get 2O/2O i cn get the mOst 79/1OO... an A but alot ppl A**....T.T bb fOr nOw..
the rawks guy~

Blogged @ 5:02 PM

♥ Saturday, May 10, 2008

hihi alls~ my blog dun hv music but there r links tu i hv jux changed da blogskiin myself... pls comment in da tag board.. hope u lyk it! ;D
the rawks guy~

Blogged @ 4:54 PM

♥ Friday, May 9, 2008

finally after exams!!!~ FINALLY!! 2dae vry du lan... in my science exams, walao lor i duno my bks underneath my table they qo sae ii cheat.... freak!~ science so hard... the P.S[lee pu sheng] la..sae i cheat.. he chinese confessed to mii dat he see my chinese test paper and science he oso cheat!!
Msn sh00000 cramped.. 9-10 ppl on9... jux as wad mary said... another 2pid thing happened...
duno y at first ppl tink is smelly... but when i qo closer tu huey siang's table, i omos puked!!!~~ it is sh00 smeelly! i clutch my breath and laughed abit.... is realli lyk..... shyt!!~~ duno hu qo shyt there.... but earlier hv dat shyt anot? or omos after sku then hv??
nbm.... i sh00 boring... but mr Tan lorhs gimme hmwrk still... if not i ply whole dae lerh....
bb ~
the rawks guy~

Blogged @ 3:14 PM

♥ Wednesday, May 7, 2008

omq!!~ this is a short post... i went and tu my surprise, i found alvin and da chipmunks singin john cena's entrance s0nqq!!! thier voice is sh000000 cuteeee!!!~~~ the video will be below my blog...... pls watch u wont regret it! qo watch it!!! my blog de cnt work...><

gtg.. buaiis....
the rawks guy~

Blogged @ 9:42 PM

2dae jux passed another deadly exam!!! is mys favourite sub, maths. overall ish quite easy but last 3 ques sliighty more challeniing..[for mii] so far.. 10 marks gone.!!! there gone my A**! but myb some method marks may help me??
my overall view::: MATHS- rawks!!!
ENGLISH-lyk a piece of crap
science- blurr lerh
i dun care wad sh0 eva i mux win ps[phin seng] is all my subjects~~ wish mii luk.. if he visit da blog? i 2moro sure die.... T_T how i wish science is not in da exams! it suxs and i sho lyk hell difficult tu understand sia....jux changed to a [girlisiih] bloqskiin.. if cn i stay.. if too girlisiih? i change...gtg. cya!~
the rawks guy~

Blogged @ 5:33 PM

♥ Tuesday, May 6, 2008

0mfg!~ 2dae is da english exams! the compre is quite difficult but sec A n B is rather easy!!! i so far hv checked datt i hv onli 2 rongs[excluding listening compre] but i sure i cant get 93/95 de.. 0% hope..
2moro will b another challenge! all b ready. we all will b sitting for da maths paper... rmb nid to bring maths set wors.... i scared i wont score well for eng... but.... nbm. onli way is to pray for gd results...
buaiis..ltr mayb post again... gtg...
the rawks guy~

Blogged @ 6:56 PM

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bdae':14.O5.96 makiin him a :taurus

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